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I've lost my password, what can I do?

You will first need to determine which password you've misplaced. Please reference the appropriate section below depending on which password you have lost.

I've lost my password for logging into the client or partner area of your website.

Please enter your email address into the form on this page. If that does not work, please contact our sales department and they can help you out.

I've lost my password for logging into the Monetra Installer.

This is the same password for logging into the client area of our website. If you need to recover that password, please see the previous section.

I've lost my master password for logging in as a user/merchant to my locally installed Monetra.

You cannot recover this password, but you can reset it. Simply log into the Monetra Administrator GUI as the MADMIN user (or subuser), go to User Admin, find the client/merchant that you've lost the password for and edit that client. You will then be able to simply change the password in the password text entry box and submit, and be able to log in using that new password.

I've lost my password for logging in as a sub-user of a user/merchant to my locally installed Monetra.

You cannot recover this password, but you can reset it. Simply log into the Monetra Client GUI as the master user for the merchant account, then go to Admin->sub-user manager, find the sub-user in question, highlight it, and click edit. From there, you'll simply be able to change the password and hit submit, and you can immediately log in using that new password.

I've lost my MADMIN password for logging into my locally installed Monetra.

Unfortunately, this password is not recoverable or resettable, as if it was, it would pose a severe security risk. Your best bet is to 'guess' the password, at least if you think you have a chance at guessing it, if it may be a variation of a password you know. In order to guess uninhibited, you need to turn off some of Monetra's safeties. Enter the Monetra Manager, go to Security->Passwords, and set Maximum Password Failures to 0 and Password Lockout Seconds to 1, then apply and let it restart Monetra (remember what those settings are as you need to change them back to the defaults once you've recovered your password). From there, you should try logging in with various passwords, remembering that Monetra requires passwords which are at least 7 characters and contain both letters and numbers or special characters, so trying passwords which don't meet that requirement would be fruitless.

In the event that you cannot recover your password, your only recourse is to delete your entire database and start over. That means all user accounts in your Monetra system along with all transaction history will be lost, so this should only be done if all else fails if you are running in production. (If you are running a demo license, clearing your database shouldn't be a big deal since you shouldn't be running live transactions). If you still have access to your user/merchant account, you should settle any pending transactions before clearing your database otherwise you will not have the funds from those authorizations deposited. When you clear your database and restart Monetra, it should repopulate the schema and set the default MADMIN password of 'password', you should then follow the fast start guide from the point of logging into the Monetra Administrator for the first time and continue from there. If you are unfamiliar with clearing your Monetra database, please contact our support department for assistance.