How do I migrate from Litle v8 to v12?

General Information

Litle is now split into 2 different modules in Monetra: an auth module and a settle module. A merchant must authorize through the former and settle through the latter; they cannot authorize through Litle and settle through another processor, nor can they authorize through another processor and settle through Litle; all transactions must stay within the Litle sphere. This restriction is due to Litle's proprietary use of linking data.

Auth module: Litle & Co. Auth (version 12)

This has been updated to the new cnpAPI protocol (version 12.8). Litle will need to assign new credentials (username and password).

Settle module: Litle & Co. Big Batch (version 12)

Settlement through Litle is now done through the platform's batch format; the online format is no longer supported. Litle will need to provide an Aggregator Username and Password for this module. In Monetra, a merchant can settle with this format either straight through to Litle or by utilizing Monetra Big Batch Aggregation, the latter being especially useful for integrating batches from multiple merchants into one settlement file. A Monetra sales representative can assist in deciding which settlement route is appropriate.


Whether using the Monetra Administrator GUI to configure settings or making direct calls to Monetra through an integration, a merchant can migrate to the new Litle module with these steps. Details for how to execute the steps can be found in the Monetra Fast Start Guide and Monetra Client Interface Protocol Specification.

  1. Enable the new modules. In Monetra Manager GUI, they will show up as "Litle & Co. Auth (version 12)" and "Litle & Co. Big Batch (version 12)". In the merchant's processors.conf (used if editing by hand), the relevant sections are "Litlev12" and "Litlev12BB".

  2. Establish the authorization route by creating a new Merchant Account, with Processor set to Litle & Co. Auth (version 12). Provide the necessary information according to the merchant's specifications. The merchant parameters Merchant ID, Username, and Password will all be assigned by Litle & Co.

  3. Establish the settlement route by adding a subaccount to the new account created in the previous step. If settling straight through to Litle, set Processor to Litle & Co. Big Batch (version 12) and supply the necessary credentials, which might be the same as the authorization credentials used in the previous step. If settling to MBBA so as to combine multiple batches into one larger aggregated batch, set Processor to Monetra Big Batch Aggregation and provide the information of the Big Batch Admin User that will be settling the combined batches (see the Monetra Client Interface Protocol for more information). For either process, finish the subaccount with any other necessary information.

  4. Create a script to handle uploading the batch file to Litle's FTP server and picking up the response file when ready. Monetra Support can provide example scripts and offer advice on what might need to be changed to meet certain needs and requirements. This script should have permissions no greater than 700, be owned by user "monetra", and be in a directory accessible by user "monetra". Litle should have assigned sFTP credentials for uploading settlement files to their servers; those credentials would be used in this script.

  5. In the prefs.conf file, under the section "Extended Processor Info", the setting litle_settle_script will need to be updated to the absolute path of this upload script.

New Features

The most notable addition to this processor's module is the ability to now handle ACH transactions, including PPD and CCD. This is enabled in a similar manner as above, but instead of authorizing through the Litle Auth module, the merchant would use the NACHA module. The settle route is the same (Litle Big Batch or Monetra Big Batch Aggregation). This allows the NACHA module to verify the data according to industry rules and update the batch for later settlement through Litle. When using the NACHA module, you will need to send (at a minimum) these parameters for each transaction:

  • abaroute - routing number (8 or 9 digits)
  • account - account number (max 17 digits)
  • ACCT_SAVINGS as a flag in tranflags if the account is a savings account (no flag is needed if it's a checking account)
  • ACCT_BUSINESS as a flag in tranflags if the account is a business account (no flag is needed if it's a personal account)

You can also send these parameters, which will be passed on to Litle:

  • checknum - check number
  • divisionnum - custom identifier, for reporting purposes
  • cardholdername - name on the account
Visa Online Returns

The updated module supports sending returns to Visa cards online, as per the requirements that went into effect April 2020.

Card/Credentials on File

The updated module supports the new COF requirements for Visa and Discover.

Surcharge Fee

The updated module supports sending a surcharge fee with a sale/preauth and return. If a merchant is set up to charge surcharge fees through Litle and the relevant card brands, they can now send the fee amount to Monetra in the parameter surchargeamount, and that will be passed on to Litle.