How do I update my License (i.e. after license upgrade)?

A license update is used to download the latest license information from the Monetra licensing server. Monetra never 'calls-home' to retrieve license data automatically, so when purchasing a license upgrade you must also deploy a new license file onto your Monetra server. Please note that a license update does not perform a Monetra version upgrade.

Update via the Monetra Installer (GUI):

  1. Run the Monetra Installer application.
  2. Click next at the email and password screen.
  3. Highlight the Monetra Engine row, and choose 'Update' at the top. (Note: Be sure to choose UPDATE, not UPGRADE. Upgrade would perform a version upgrade, not a license update.)
  4. Run the Monetra Manager application. On the main 'general' screen restart Monetra by choosing Stop and Start button.